Make a twig garland… for free!
My very favorite place to spend time is in the great outdoors. There’s just something about feeling the sunshine on your face and wind in your hair that leaves you wishing you never had to go back...
View ArticleA leisurely walk through the hot spots of Franklin, Tennessee
I recently had the chance to head down south near Nashville. For a cold blooded Canadian, this was an enormous treat! Once walking off the plane, I knew I was in for something very special. It’s...
View ArticleLighting up with a twig chandelier
The use of anything from nature in regards to home decor has always spoken to me. It’s as if nature can do no wrong and no matter what you bring inside, it always works. Such was the case when I...
View ArticleChristmas decorating from nature… with evergreen and twig garlands
The farm I grew up on housed the coolest ancient trees you ever laid eyes on. They were all rediculously huge, with scraggily unruly branches in the very best of ways, just the way nature intended them...
View ArticleOur quirky, stockingless, junkin’, candy dish ways – a Christmas tradition...
I hope I’ll still remain your friend after you read this next statement. I have never used a Christmas stocking for it's intended purpose before. Are you shocked?! Here I am, a blogger and decorator,...
View ArticleNot just a walk – art through nature
I knew what was coming. It was freezing outside! But once the sunshine finally cleared the mountains and my second coffee was down, I knew it was now or never. Being cautious to avoid an official...
View ArticleCreating photo displays with old relics from the past
This week I was thinking of my sweet, funny Dad. It was his birthday and he’d have been 87. Dad was always the jolly good fellow that wore an ear to ear grin, making it an impossible feat not to smile...
View ArticleWon’t you be my rustic little valentine?
If I told you this decorator doesn’t generally decorate for most special occasions (other than Christmas), would that surprise you? I have a method to my madness. When seasons change or special...
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